You need to understand rules and regulations before you embark on the importation journey. From experience, failure to comply with these regulations will result in paying for hefty fees.
Certain goods may need special measures, permits, or inspections. It will be best if you have the documents at your fingertips to avoid being on the wrong side of the law.
Here a broker can help importers know about these rules and regulations.
They will know whether your goods are subject to special laws and regulations. Would you consider importing commercial goods?
Whether as an individual or a business, you will need to obtain a Business Number (BN).
It’s what the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) issues. You must also obtain the classification number.
Once you confirm that you may import the goods, you must determine the correct tariff classification number.
Most countries like Canada use the Harmonized System to justify their classification systems.
The import/export account is free of charge, and you can get it in minutes.